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Attention K-9 Handlers: Important University Research Study

Dr. Sonya Hansen of Auburn University Small Animal Teaching Hospital recently reached out to NPDF to encourage participation in an important research project. NPDF is proud to support research that promotes advancing the training and well-being of police K-9s.

This research study is entitled “Survey of Law Enforcement Canine Handlers: Emergency Training, Recognition, and Preparedness.” It assesses the knowledge of K-9 handlers, including: knowledge of emergency care, prevention of emergency situations, and nearby emergency facilities. Additionally, it surveys the training regarding medical care for K-9s, and training that handlers would like to receive from medical staff.

One of NPDF’s founders and veterinary partner, Dr. Ron Dalzell, encourages participation in the survey, explaining that “Auburn University has a very well respected veterinary school.” Supporting this research study helps to maximize the potential of our incredible law enforcement K-9s.

Any law enforcement K-9 handler over the age of 19 is eligible to participate. Participants will be asked to participate in an online survey, which should take approximately 10 minutes. The deadline for completing this survey is November 15.

The NPDF encourages all handlers to complete the survey and to spread the word to other handlers to participate. Thank you.

If you have any questions, please contact: Dr. Sonya Hansen (334) 844-4690

If you are a handler and wish to participate in the survey please click on the button below:

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